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Just made a rhubarb crumble......

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smudge | 13:31 Tue 29th Jun 2010 | ChatterBank
48 Answers
would anyone like some?


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Yours does sound very tasty tho' Dot & making me hungry! ♥
we don't have sugar in though as noone uses it and so it's simpler to buy a mix
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Crumble without sugar Dot? Surely that gives it a bit of a 'crunch'. (tho' that's the only thing I use sugar for, none of us have sugar in hot drinks, etc.
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Everyone to their own tho'. ♥
there is sugar in a packet mix
If you don't eat that crumble pretty damned quick I'm coming over to scoff the lot !
You can seduce me
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Oh, sorry Dot, I misunderstood what ya meant, as you said "we don't have sugar in it though....." I thought you meant it was a mix without sugar - now that would have tasted a bit yucky. We don't like things too sweet either, so I only put in what suits us.

Ha,ha, redman - it's getting closer & I'm ready to start scoffing it myself! ;o}
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Well that really was delicious! ;o}

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Just made a rhubarb crumble......

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