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ladybird49 | 13:55 Tue 20th Jul 2010 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
Ive seen more men than women do this on here : )
opinions ?


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I totally agree with you ladybird. Men are worse than women for bickering. I find it so at work too
Testosterone...they are playing out a deep subliminal urge to be alpha males... The girls have a bit of a go but unfortunately for most of them its a primitive urge and one we can do nothing about
I wouldn't disagree with you. But on the other hand you could be wrong.
I'm saying nothing
I totally disagree with the OP
I would certainly agree with you regarding this site,but it is completely the oppsite where I work.

I work in an office where it is about 80% Women, and it amazes me the amount of bickering or 'bitchiness' that goes on. Most of it is very tame stuff like, 'why is she wearing that dress, her backside looks huge', but it goes on every single day.
I disagree as well. I think the girls are worse.
for once ....i'm with joe.
What is the OP ???? I keep seeing it mentioned and can't for the life of me fathom what it stands for.please put me out of my misery !!!!
OP= Original Post/er
Original Poster
The kind of gossiping that 36TEAK36 speaks of is our civilised equivalent of the grooming that groups of apes and monkeys do.

It's a bonding exercise, it reinforces the group dynamic - which is why it's perfectly possible for a group of people to gossip with someone, and when they leave for a few minutes, to gossip about them.

I think any group of people with either gender are prone to this, because it is subconciously reassuring, maintaining your own place in the hierarchy, and ensuring that everyone else knows theirs as well - even though that place fluctuates as the personnel in the group change.

Men do tend to like to 'fight their corner' more in exchanges - even i have been known to get stuck in if i feel aggrieved about something.
Aaah,of course.It,s obvious now.Thank you.
was that in response to andys post tasty?
No,gave up the will to live half way through that one.Sorry Andy!!.Was responding to the OP question
lol , i thought so
No problem tasty!

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