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Conducting research for Spare Ed...

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CAJ1 | 11:49 Fri 30th Jul 2010 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
Who on here uses Flickr?

Ed is thinking about setting up an AB gallery where we can all post photos and possibly have a gallery on here!

Any thoughts??


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No one???!!
I have not heard of flickr but this week the papers were saying that they would be putting unseen royal pictures on flickr, so I have been meaning to sign up.

chances are not many people are aware of flickr, if the ed advertises it on here then I would imagine interest will pick up!
i have one or two accounts on flickr
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Ed, I think you should set it up and see how interest grows
I use Photobucket.
I'd use it... very occasionally, I take millions of photos but very few survive close scrutiny.

Of course if they were restricted to about an inch square I'd be okay.
Here's what I've got at the moment:

I've been using it to embed images here for reference (I don't know if any of you ever saw the "shoe design" post from a month or so back?)

I think the plan would be to create a group which users could submit to. I could then Veto them (if they were naughty or otherwise inappropriate) and we could have a front-page gallery or something?

I am just working with what we've got available to us for free without techie involvement. It is early days guys, so don't get too excited just yet!

Flickr has around 4 Billion images: and is probably the biggest photo-sharing site on the net.

All the best

Spare Ed
well, Doc can already embed his bouncing boobies, so I don't see why we couldn't do the same for stills. But I've noticed on sites which allow this that pages can become very long and full of images, so perhaps the facility could be restricted to the one gallery only.
and while you're vetoing, perhaps you ought to enlarge fluffy's picture in your gallery and read the text? Definitely nsfw.
I'll keep an eye on Fluff, clearly a troublemaker.

Spare Ed
-- answer removed --

Loved your pumpkin tree photo.
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Good work Ed, thank you ever so much! :)
Question Author
Ed, I just had a look at your link, I think you've set up your own photostream rather than creating a group that people can join and submit photos to :os
thank you , Gromit, it is still here

for those who like to see how neatly they fall from the trees, though obviously the bruised ones have been removed.

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