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Any bird-watchers

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stewey | 20:03 Mon 02nd Aug 2010 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
...........out there? Save up your shillings and plonk them down to buy this. Maybe if we all contributed a few dollars and pounds we could have our own Answer Bank Picnic Island.


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I love watchin birds
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The feathered variety?
I like watching birds too - but I don't bother killing and eating them. I leave that to other cats.

Frankie (who has a bored hooomin slave)
Joe has already bought a small island just of the Welsh coast.

he's going to be disappointed though.
Mick, why would you think I'd bought an island in a foreign country?
-- answer removed --
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Ok, Frankie; you'll be the only cat allowed to set paws on ABPI.
Fangs Stewey. I am a brave Scottish cat. Have to go now as it is time to go and annoy my sister.

Bye to all the on hooomans on AB.

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Any bird-watchers

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