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smart1 | 13:17 Fri 06th Aug 2010 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
Have not been on AB for a coupla months, and wondered what happens when Atavar is activated. Help appreciated.


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don't your pc will explode
Question Author
Lol thanks Steg.
Perhaps you could tell me how eo upload piccy then?
Just type "getting an avatar" into the AB search box. The first thread that comes up is from the AB Ed. Just follow that guidance.
the instructions are here http://www.theanswerb...g/Question888790.html
good luck
you get fat
if you want to know how good those links are, look at the avatars of the people who posted them.
Question Author
thanks everyone!
and NEVER EVER get snags & steg mixed up
I only got my new picture yesterday. Just follow http://www.theanswerb...g/Question888790.html and follow the instructions. About 20 minutes after you have finished, go to My Profile and click Activate Avatar...all done :-)
Definitely don't get snags and steg mixed up... I'll only end up confused ;oP
Well done. I see your avatar is up and running. Looks like a 1½ jam tarts to me.
Question Author
tres observant factor 30
It was a piece of cake wasn't it smart1?

Spare Ed
you're a tart Ed

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