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One of those days...

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Eve | 20:55 Fri 06th Aug 2010 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
Anyone else had one of these?

Had a deal not come through at work, managed to burn myself carrying a load of hot drinks back to the office, spilt soup down a door (note to self, stop trying to carry too many things at once!), dropped my keys down the side of a bus seat where they got stuck and I had to try and tease them out with an emery board then discovered my make up bag and a pack of cigs had emptied themselves in my handbag.

Have now locked myself in the house before any more mishap haha :)


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jenna if i told you my day,do you really want too know..
I'd go to bed with a good book before you do anything else jenna.
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Oh dear Poodi! Mine wasn't a bad day by any means, just one of those ditzy days!

I'm tucked up safely on the sofa watching Greys Anatomy then an early night for me, looong week although it has gone scarily quickly!
it's often the case that we get clumsy with stress and worry jenna, stop home and chill out it will pass!
Jenna i know lol,but wont tell you what i have done today, because most abers would go arrrrrrrrgh...
It's still a week until Friday the 13th, Jenna! It'll soon be over.....
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Overtired I think, trying to still work mad hours through a chest, throat and ear viral infection didn't help, shifted it and a lot better now but was running on empty today.

Planning to try and fix that this weekend :)

Noooo, I didn't know it was Friday 13th next week, eek!
Another early night next Friday too Jenna?
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Am thinking maybe so!

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One of those days...

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