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what was your favourite pet ......

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stokemaveric | 21:22 Thu 02nd Sep 2010 | ChatterBank
25 Answers
as a child???


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Well There's another story craft..................It was so funny but I'm not going to tell :o)
AND how did you know?????

about my back of the settee incident
Our family had a couple of cats when I lived at home.
Cats until I became allergic at 14, dogs thereafter.
I have never liked cats - have always been scared of them.
Was also scared of dogs up to the age of 15 as my brother had been bitten by one.

Only had goldfish and a gerbil once, but I wouldn't touch it.
I don't like the smells and mucus-y dribbles that animals emit.

But I was rather fond of Bruno, our black lab. But I wouldn't kiss him or anything, yuck.

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what was your favourite pet ......

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