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Insulation for large galvanised shed

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Candyred | 21:43 Sat 11th Sep 2010 | DIY
2 Answers
Hi We have just put up a metal shed in the garden (1 of those Argos ones) and need to insulate it from condensation. Would loft insulation work under plywood or would polystyrene sheets be better. We need to have it as dry as poss. Your advise would be much appreciated. Cheers


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Loft insulation would take up a lot of space, reducing the size of the shed, Candy. Polystyrene isn't a great insulator compared to "Celotex" or "Kingspan" or similar. It's an isocyanate board with over twice the insulation value of loft roll or polystyrene.
Use 25mm boards, and stick them to the walls with a grab adhesive.
You could stick thin ply to that to protect it .......... or hardboard.
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Thanks Builder we have bought some plywood sheets today so we will try your advice. Thanks again.

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Insulation for large galvanised shed

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