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Happy Birthday Wolf63

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ttfn | 20:10 Sun 19th Sep 2010 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
Hope you are having a good day Susan and that your furry friends are enjoying it with you ♥


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Thank you ttfn - the furries are having a nap in preparation for their mad dash around the house at about three in the morning.

My brother sent me a tool kit with a rechargeable screwdriver - I might need one but it wasn't too exciting.

How are you? Are you still working?
happy birthday wolf..
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Rechargeable screwdrivers are great when the strength is sapped - wouldn't be without mine Susan! Well let me put it this way - they are still paying me but it is over 3 months since I was at work. I am in serious danger of forgetting how to now let alone remember my colleagues names. One of them kindly sent me a wedding invite but put her name after her beau's (whom I have not met). Took me 5 mins to work out who had sent it. Need I say more? ;o)
wolf63 and Jude123 on the same day? That makes, er, 186... wow. Happy birthday to both.
Thanks champipple.

ttfn - At the end of October 2003, after spending 8 hours staring at my desk, I left work and never went back. I was off sick for a year before I was awarded early retirement on health grounds. As I was a civil servant the pay out wasn't too miserable - not generous either. I had dreaded not working and not having social contact with people every day. But it has been okay.

You have to put your health first and that isn't always easy. Having said that I had a check up at the doctor last week and this "Diet" word was brought up. I really need to loose a lot (a LOT) of weight before I explode.
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It is not easy with a sedentary lifestyle Susan is it? Since I lost my last dog and with my health problems now I really miss long walks in the countryside. Those with some decent gardening and DIY jobs used to keep me pretty fit (or so I thought). Now I am more ugly unfit!
I went on a long walk the other day, ttfn, about 5 miles, slow, on level ground - about the only exercise I can safely take as various bits of my body play up.... or so I thought. Next day I was disabled by an attack of gout in my knee. So now my only exercise is likely to be reaching for the remote control, until that gets dangerous too.
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jno - I so know what you mean. Getting on to the floor has its own problems so hang on tight to the remote ;o)
Happy Birthday Susan. Hope you had a good one and the thugs are behaving. xx
Hi wolf, many happies, I've only just caught up..! ♥

There are several of us on the Weds morning AB weighin now, why don't you join us? - xstitcher has a sticky over in Body & Soul (it's confusingly called Weight Gain) but it's been going a few weeks now. I need to get back in there - put on several lbs at the conference last week, tut.
Sorry I disappeared there - I intended going to bed but it is raining and the roof is leaking and all I could hear is 'drip' 'drip'. I have come down stairs and the furrballs are facing up for a fight.

Walking is something that I actually enjoy doing - as long as there are toilets on the route.

I hope it stops raining soon so that I can go to bed.
Happy Birthday! Hope you have had a great day! My furballs are going a bit loopy tonight, wet paw prints all over! :) xxx
happy birthday wolfy,
it aint half p'ing it doon
Happy Birthday Susan, has rained so much here, I have the Ark on standby.
Must be a loopy night for all furry thugs (sorry juggs but I always called my two cats thugs too as you do) as just been to see a friend and her three were playing up. Is there a full moon?
No Jan - next week! Mine are OK if a little unsettled - quite dry here all day, no wind, that usually gets them going.
My roof has been leaking on and off for three years or so - I just want it to be leak free, not much to ask is it?

Anyway I am off to see if it is save to go to bed, leave the cats to battle it out. I might be back - but thanks to all of you.
Oh dear boxy, if the cats are acting this mad now god knows what they'll be like by next week! I too went to see my gp last week Susan and she said the same. Lose some weight while you can still move (got a bad back at the moment) so have got to try.
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sweet dreams Susan and ttfn ♥
Jan, visits to the doctors can be so cheering at times ;o)

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