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huccct puttt

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bearward | 19:07 Tue 05th Oct 2010 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
huccct puttt
huccct puttt
Ohh sorry pardon me..


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You really ought to get something for that catarrh.
get it off your chest.
Hucct putt (no distance power at the mo with chest infection) ;o)
ttfn, are you feeling any better ?ssorry bear for using your thread.
-- answer removed --
Poor old bear. Only posted one question and already suspended. What's that all about?
A syrup suspension helps . . . . .oh

talking of suspension, what's happened to bearward?
Hello anne - yes thank you, rather horse still but the coughing has subsided dramatically ☺
-- answer removed --
Hi tony
Hya Todger - - is your roo didgering?
Bye Troll . . . . .
T-roll to you lilly
Another one bit the dust there.......

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huccct puttt

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