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teen motivation

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funky26 | 21:48 Mon 11th Oct 2010 | Family & Relationships
18 Answers
How to motivate teen son without nagging


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It can't be done.
What do you want to motivate him to do? (and how much can you afford to spend?).
A hill walking/camping holiday in the Lake District
Teens are either ambitious or lazy.
Nag him, eventually he'll get fed up of your nagging, and to avoid you nagging him he'll do what he's suppose to do.
I threaten to kiss my 14 year old grandson - in public - usually works!
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He is capable of so much but just does enough to get by, maybe we have been to soft on him , a lovely boy (18) but always needs a kick up the backside to. Leaves things to last possible minute and always thinks things can be done tomorow , drives me mad.
i send my sympathy to you funky... ive got a 16 year old just like that
Easy money .. That gets them out of bed .. for a start : )
That would be like trying to answer "What is the meaning of Life?".
just tell him how it is cos at 18 he can always move out !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! xx
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anyone who talks to a teenager is nagging (from the teenager's point of view that is)
Cut out all the newspaper articles you can find about unemployment, poventy and how difficult it's going to be to survive on unemployment benefits for people who have no skills and no likelihood of getting a job. Lack of money might motivate him if he's intelligent enough to make the connection between education, lack of skills, and having a decent standard of living going forward.
get him to join the sea cadets, it's a hot tub of activity
Sounds like a normal teenager - make his pocket money contingent on having done certain household jobs. My sister did that with her kids, her son never had any money at all.
Padlock on fridge door worked when my son was 16.
LOL BB ... or give him Molly's number : )
BB he'd have to be an instructor, which he could fail at and be kicked out if he's only there cos he's been made to.

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