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puddings and desserts

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marbil | 15:15 Sat 30th Oct 2010 | Quizzes & Puzzles
10 Answers
6. mixture of curds and cream - for a feast (6)
12. for senior government officials (7)
13. break down (7)
17. its majestic (5,2)
25. this childhood game is turning downhill (4,4)
28. in perfect order unless it's a bed (5,3)
29. did the first temptress make it (3,1)
38. specially made for nellie (5,5)


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6 junket
12 cabinet (pudding)
28 apple pie
38 Peach melba
29 eve's (pudding)
13 crumble
17 Queen of (PUDDINGS)
25 Roly poly
29 Eve's (pudding)
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thank you boxtops, just this last one i'm stuck on, a golden entrance (6)
gate au
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thank you pea pod and bibblebub

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puddings and desserts

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