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Which package holday sites do you rate?

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Dris | 17:34 Sat 23rd Oct 2010 | Travel
10 Answers
Apart from ice lollies-theyre good but a bit restricted.

Ive decided (again) I have to get away at Christmas especially when we have just looked at the price our wee weekend escape hotel are charging and thats in Scotland !!!!
(I know they have to pay extra for staff etc but £300 each for 4nts when we are normally £59 each for 2 nights DB &B is a bit much).We still have booze on top of that !!
We could go AI for a little bit more abroad so back to the drawing board.
Any site welcome for me to peruse.

Thank you.


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good luck with this, but Christmas is high season... it wasn't always, everyone used to stay home for Christmas and I once had a brill Christmas week in Istanbul for £100.

Let me know if you find anything like that.
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Chances of that are nil jno -those were the days !!!
Im off to have a scout about -will let you know :)
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Ta for advice Rozea :)
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Try Superbreak - we got a good deal, including train to York for 3 days. Might be worth a try - or Expedia another goody
We find Thomas Cook very competitive, online that is.
Thomas cook as well. They are great for last minute deals.
haystravel,travelrepublic,onthebeach,teletext holidays,hello holidays,been with hays and trav republic,all been fine no probs.good luck!
Question Author
O nice ones everyone -a good few i havent tried at all !
Think I might just go and have a browse now :)
Thanks very much for your replies !!

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