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Petrol Money

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sophie_1003 | 20:54 Sat 23rd Oct 2010 | ChatterBank
50 Answers
"Hypothetical" situation-
3 friends (A, B and C) are going to a show in a town around 25 miles from where they live. 2 of them (A and B) can drive; A doesn't want to becasue she hasn't driven in the town where the show is before. B has so reluctantly said she would drive but has asked for £5 petrol money off A and C. A said that her and C would pay for parking (instead of petrol money) B isn't very happy about this. What are your thoughts?


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Simple, tell A to take her own car - you take C and enjoy the show.
Haven't read all the answers but as far as I'm concerned B and C should pay for the petrol AND the parking as A is driving.
split it three ways and buy the driver lunch
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Ooh I ilike that suggestion mcfluff! Thanks everyone by the way; will let you know how it goes when I hear from her/talk to her about it!
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Hi all! Just thought I'd report back; on the morning of the show I text both friends to say bring petrol money; had message back from awkward friend saying
"I've been talking to...(2 people she's friends with and I know) and they said that £3 would be enough because (1 of her friends) drives to and from uni in her bigger car and puts less than £10 a week in so is that alright?"
I was fuming so sent one back saying if she wanted to drive I'd give her £3 or she could give me the £5 I'd asked for and I would drive.
She replied saying I'd never told her how much I was asking for and she didn't know if her car would be ready because it was in the garage.
I text her back apologising if I hadn't made myself clear when I told her the amount outside one of our uni lessons last week but that was what I was asking.
Another reply from her (20 minutes later; I suspect she rang the garage to ask when her car would be ready!) to say she was sorry she must have misunderstood!
Was expecting tension but everything was fine and a fun evening was had by all!
hey sophie did she pay u the full amount then?

re: your mates' mates pays less petrol to get from a - b, she prob uses desiel or on those eco car's!!
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She did indeed; stood my ground and was v proud of myself! She probably has got an eco car actually!
Meet 'em there.
well done Sophie.. but your mate sounds like an idiot! glad you had a good night out :o)
glad that turned out well, and good for you standing up for yourself.

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