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trivial but really annoying things

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mollykins | 18:10 Fri 12th Nov 2010 | ChatterBank
70 Answers
without having a go at other ABers or breaking any other AB rules in your answer, what trivial thing really annoys you?

One thing that annoys me is having a 7 letter word in scrabble, but having nowhere to put it, especially when you're behind and need to points.


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People who stand chatting blocking aisles in the supermarket.
People who put empty mik/water/juice cartons back in fridge.
People who take ages to move off when waiting at petrol stations.
Nothing much annoys me online.
Yes Puss, and people who have massive trolleys and expect the person who is staggering under the weight of a basket to move out of their way, because they don`t want to move. Don`t start me on supermarkets!
People who will moan for the sake of it.
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Something that I find quite annoying but also funny is where you're in a queue or something, and you hear two other people argueing over something and the wrong person is winning, or neither of them are right. i find it ammusing yet annoying as I want to go over to them and tell them the right answer. But it's never as if i'm wigging in to their conversation, those kinds of people always do the debating really loudly as if they want people to hear and intervene, but no-one dare does.
Nothing much annoys me offline either.
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People who chew with their mouth open. Hippocrites who always contradict themselves (not mentioning any names or how they might be related to me)
Middle lane hogs and people who take ages to pack their shopping at the checkout and then only once every little thing is packed into a bag somewhere, only then do they start looking for their purse so that they can pay, and then after that they take more time putting away the purse - only then are they ready to leave - aaargh!

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trivial but really annoying things

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