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so cilla black says she wants to die when she is 75....

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stokemaveric | 13:23 Wed 15th Dec 2010 | ChatterBank
30 Answers
surely thats a negative view on life..........


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i think she should be grateful shes still alive my dad passed away at the age of 39 of a heart attack he certainly didnt want to die
I bet she won`t say that when she`s 75. Or maybe when she`s 75 she can swap with poor soul who desperately wants to live...
> Or maybe when she`s 75 she can swap with a poor soul who desperately wants to live...

Exactly how could she do that...?
mackak17 - My Dad died at 59. He didn't want to die either :-(
its just makes me mad when people say things like that o i want to die, its like get a grip and be thankful ure still a live
She probably has something to promote (cynical, me?) or is getting fed up with having to put on that uber-Scouse accent all the time.
Thankful for what? Spending everyday in excruciating pain....
lol gingejbee
she is an attention seeking scouse c@w never liked her♥♥♥
^And yet she speaks so highly of you............

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so cilla black says she wants to die when she is 75....

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