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bumper crossword

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saoirs | 22:17 Tue 28th Dec 2010 | Crosswords
10 Answers
1 to the ship its a money-spinner[4]to?s
2 where in France to see endless chaotic comedy [5] ?e???
3 sicken to embrace Irma [with the words that are flying about]7a???a??
4 inferior speed of the watch's fastest hand [6-4] r??o?? ??t?
5the entirety of an ancient city letter consists of a wish of goodwill [3,3,4]
6 take the front with the plumbers metal [4]?e??
thanks in advance


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1 To SS
6 lead
6 Lead
1] toss
3] malaria
6] lead
5 all the best
4 second rate
3 Airmail (anag of Irma + ail(sicken))
2] farce?
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many many thanks

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bumper crossword

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