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Tips please?!?!?

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ciaraciara | 18:09 Mon 03rd Jan 2011 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
Any tips on how to do effective studying?? Thanks in advance..


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Try to set a regular time for your work and set out an area to study in.
Don't come on Answerbank! Seriously; if you can, avoid having the internet on as there are too many distractions! We've been recommended the Study Skills Handbook by S. Cottrell; I haven't bothered but other people have said it's useful.
Yep. Don't do what I did and stare out the window. You won't learn much apart from the different variety of trees and birds.
Very true bednobs!
put your submit date for your work at the forefront of your mind

get off answerbank!
I used to lie and say it was done and then I would have to do it - I always left it till the last minute I'm afraid.

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Tips please?!?!?

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