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Anyone watching bbc four right now??

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ciaraciara | 22:51 Thu 06th Jan 2011 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
How interesting!! :)


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Gizza clue ...
Nope! Whats being shown?
I've just watched Dawson in The medium, he's still ugly, Katie Holmes may hae done well but he's just dull
Question Author
Ahh boo it's just over now but it was a show about how we feel obliged to be obedient to authority figures even if they're asking us o do horrendous things like administer electric shocks to another person (to a lethal level).. Milgram's obedience model thingy... very interessant!!
oo can you buy them on ebay? I could do with giving some of my staff an electric shock sometimes
Cattle prod is good, dotty.
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hahhaaahaa!! WITH THE RIGHT BID DOTTY!!! oops sorry for shouting there :P

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Anyone watching bbc four right now??

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