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Factor of 180 ???

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MustangLady | 19:52 Tue 11th Jan 2011 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
How would I work out the factor of 180... I'm terrible at maths.. thanks all x


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Look for all the pairs of multiples that make 180.
1 x 180 (so two factors are 1 and 180)
2 x 90
3 x 60
4 x 45
5 x 36
and so on. Stop when you reach a pair you've had before
Do you mean all the factors of 180 - there are lots?
Both 1 and 180 for starters.
Also 2,3,4,5,6,9,10,12,15,18,20,30, 36,45, 60 & 90
Factors are numbers that divide in exactly.
Question Author
Thank you Doc... appreciated !
Question Author
Thank you Factor and Prudie.. appreciate your replies
and there was me thinking Factor30's username was to do with sun-tan lotion....

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Factor of 180 ???

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