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Successful cramming anyone??!?!

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ciaraciara | 23:08 Tue 11th Jan 2011 | ChatterBank
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Anyone have tips for how to cram and remember lots and lots of information.... ?? And yes, I know, get off the internet BUT I'm on a break right now :)


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Going back a bit, but when we were in halls of residence we were all on the same course so we put quotes, facts, etc in post it notes and had them everywhere. The markers probably wondered how so many people were using the same quotes to back up their arguments.
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Ha I love the image Im getting of the walls and doors being covered top to bottom in post it notes sherrard!! :) But I'm afraid it's a little late for that as my exam is on thursday :( CRY!!!
I think it is pointless cramming to excess. When you see the questions the answers will come into your mind. Good luck and keep your fingers crossed.
I wouldn't go that far - it was more a case of a little goes a long way' must have been ten post it notes tops!

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Successful cramming anyone??!?!

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