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Deceased Orchids...

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john1066 | 12:14 Sun 16th Jan 2011 | ChatterBank
5 Answers
I know i'm on the wrong topic but here goes....We have an orchid in the conservatory that I think has died. The flowers have dropped and the stalks have shriveled..Has it left this world or can it be revived..The conservatory is mostly unheated...


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redhelen is long as the leaves are green they can be revived.
yes I also agree with redhelen. They have a rest and then hopefully a new little stem will start growing from amongst the leaves and as it grows train it up a stick using a little spring clip or two. It takes a while but is worth the wait.I currently have 3 plants with new stems growing one is a double. Importantly only water very sparingly about once a week and I give mine an orchid feed occasionally too,.obtainable from garden centres.Mine are Moth Orchids. .
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Thanks guys....Unfortunately the leaves have withered and fallen off..I think it is probably a victim of the cold, but we have trimmed it back and kept it the warm. One can only hope...xx

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