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Your Own Concoction

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oscarina | 20:16 Thu 20th Jan 2011 | Food & Drink
11 Answers
Have have ever concocted your own recipe for food or drink that you think others would enjoy. One of mine is Mayonnaise mixed with Chilli sauce as a dip, add cooked broad beans, heated or cold delicious!


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I made a concoction out of the dregs of alcohol years ago, tiny bits of this that and the other. it was foul, and I spent hours clearing up the mess!
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I would think this question will get hundreds of answers!
Everyone must have experimented at some time and come up with something they consider unique..
I love my curry dip -simple but effective.
Just Philly cheese,mayo really finely chopped onion,curry powder (can make your own up) and switch up and its really tasty.
Serve with potato skins -just as you can guess -in a bowl of olive oil and then once coated sprinkled with rock salt and pepper -neither one rocket science but good:)
Lentil curry -lash them in the slo cooker,add stock,veg,season and enjoy.
I'll think of unusual things I have concocted and come back -just cant think as they were so unusual lol
Water, sugar, 24 hour turbo brewing yeast, strawberry flavouring, glycerine,potassium sorbate.
and Rasman.......c'mon what do we get...Angel Delight??? :)
And red colouring of course...
You get very p!ssed Dris
Salad cream, tomato sauce and either paprika or curry powder for a tasty dip or sauce for prawn cocktail
a favourite concoction of mine for over 50 years is tinned tuna mixed with chopped onion and tomato ketchup in sandwiches. My children now make this for their famililies!
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