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cupid04 | 02:33 Fri 04th Feb 2011 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
Where is Tony Ted, haven't seen him on here for quite a while. Is he okay?


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For weeks...
I would imagine he may be around under another name, especially since SAB closed.
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I didn't know that. Thanks. I've been on here a few years or so and there are several
abers missing from when I first started.Bit tired now, cant think of all their names.
He eloped with Bobbi.....
Where is Bobbi? Haven't seen her around. You might be on to something there Salla.
I think she flounced about the 25th January, Naomi apparently has also done a flounce.
Having read a read another poster compared her flounce as a 5/10 compared to bobbi's
Alba - that poster was........................ME !!!!

Compared to Bobbi's, Naomi's was pretty tame. She needs to take lessons!
I really must take notes Sal xx

That's not the first time I've gone and done summat like that and it won't be the last I'm sure.
gosh, that noami thing yesterday was rather unfortunate.

she has been becoming very aggressive of late, and having run out of sport with the religious she seemed to turn on her own ilk, including me and a big to-do with some long standing like minders in a very long and tiring thread. i can take it, its harsh and condescending sometimes but mostly i don't give a sod. but she can't take it back.

i know she had some personal issues that were bringing her down and perhaps this is the route cause of the flounce.

i am certain she will be back, if only to call me a bigoted disabled black lesbian scientologist.
Ankou - I never knew you were a lesbian?!!
you didn't?

well i'm very insulted. i'm orf.

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