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Ah well

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mike11111 | 22:09 Sat 05th Feb 2011 | ChatterBank
59 Answers
One thing about wyzard, he tells it like it is!


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It was my post, read this quick as it might go also
22:25 Sat 05th Feb 2011
Thanks very much for posting that link, sir. It's an awfully long thread to read through, though. Can you tell me, did you notice an answer to my question ... can mods actually remove posts?

(Wish the Ed would come on board and answer this question).
Purple this post was originally put up some time before wyzard was banned.So the Ed/Mod doesn't probably realise what a hotbed of revolution it is,and the title is rather innocent too?
Mrs C,
I read it that mods can remove single answers,but only Eds(the Weekend Ed?) can remove whole threads and ban people.
I may be wrong.
mrs.chappie. To answer yourquestion: The Editor says:

''There are USER MODERATORS. They have the power to suspend & ban users.''

And banning means all posts are removed.
Don't suppose wyz telling the Ed that he could stick the site up their 'arris would sit well with the Ed.

Mind you ... the Ed probably wouldn't sit well either if he (she?) took wyz up on his suggestion.

Just because an Ed isn't actively posting, it doesn't mean they aren't actively reading.
MrsC - as I understand that link from the Ed, anyone can report a thread which brings that post to the Ed's attention, then he can ignore/suspend/ban as he thinks fit. That link says that moderators can suspend and ban. I still don't think they can take threads out though, or actually remove anyone from the site, I think only Ed can do that.
It is all SO petty on the part of the Ed/Mod.
As if we weren't adults and have to be supervised ALL the time!
Personally,I don't want to be in a playpen!LOL
I am off now to have tea and marmite toast.
Maybe back later,but probably tomorrow.
Naz,you mean that AB staff CAN read?LOL
and i was just about to post a reply to Naz on that previous thread before it got zapped - re the blue chill pill, why would i need a viagra naz ?? lol...spread the lurve folks
It seems a real shame whatever happened. I like Wyz, and he seems to be getting himself sorted out - but he still seemed to need support on here sometimes. It would be a pity if that lack of support was detrimental to him in any way.
^ 'I think those people's faces fit with Ed(or mod) and their insulting posts stay in place'

Careful Invictas, those of us who have the temerity to suggest there's a clique on here end up in the stocks having rotten fruit thrown at us
Well I know I'm not the brightest bulb in the box, but it's still unclear (to me, anyhoo) as to what the mods can and can't do.

Thanks for trying to explain it to me, peeps. x
Mass flounce anyone?
Yeah c'mon seadogg - let's go :)
Invictas, were you on here a few months back when every weekend AB was invaded by foul mouthed trolls on loads of threads? you'd have been as grateful as I am now that the Site Rules are more strictly implemented. I stopped coming on at weekends for a while.
Your place or mine?
Hey! She's taken mate ...!


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Ah well

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