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Lady Of The Night

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daftgrandad | 16:49 Wed 09th Feb 2011 | Jokes
2 Answers
A "lady of the night" was in hospital,to have an operation for a womans problem.

On being prepared for same, she insisted on not being shaved down below.

"I will sue if this happens" she cried.

She was duly shaved,on orders from the surgeon and the op carried out.

When she came round,she looked down and saw what had happened.

On being discharged,she went to a number of solicitors,re the case,but none would
accept such a challenge.

Finally she found a little man,who had been practising law all his life.He listened to her and finally declared "We,re going to sue and we,re going to win"

"What sort of case will you present" she asked.

"We,re going to sue them for destroying the roof on a workshop"


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Lady Of The Night

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