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People you want to do very very unpleasant things to.....

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Barmaid | 22:35 Wed 16th Feb 2011 | ChatterBank
50 Answers
Grrrrr. Not a question, just a damn good rant. The FH left a glass of wine on the banister on the first floor. He then managed to knock it off. Red wine has now splattered over all the walls and my very expensive camel coloured coat. So now the hall, stairs and landing needs redecorating and my coat is probably ruined - despite my carefully sponging it for about an hour.

Anyone want a slightly stupid man - free to a good home.


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lol JL, I can't ever remember having to redecorate because of a red wine spillage when I lived alone. Whereas this has now happened with two blokes.

I am joking - I wouldn't give him up for the world. I am just cross that the one part of the house which was vaguely presentable now looks like we had a massive party. I am more ruffled around the boa at the fact that the house looks like this and we didn't (have a massive party)!!!
clumsy, unthinking, no work = not much money for treats (or anything, joeluke you think you have positive attributes. come on list them
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JL - Mazie is waiting!!! I have no doubt she can do it.............
Barmaid - have a heart, the man is obviously ill

Who, in a fit state, would leave a glass of any alcohol ?
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He left it to put his son to bed. If I had thought about it sensibly I would have drank it. You see where I am now? he left it on the stairs and now I feel guilty for not moving it and drinking it. If Naz pops in, let him know he has one extra for dinner tomorrow night..........
Sure ... your can bring the wine. :-))
Poor you Barmaid. I always empty my glass in double quick time - had one knocked over once ☺ A camel coat and owner with the hump? It shouldn't happen to a nice ABer.Sweet dreams to you and ttfn x
He sounds lovely to me. Make the most of him. He is worth more than a coat. You can get a new coat but a nice man is hard to find.
and a hard man is nice to find...............

She's a naughty woman that Craft.. :0)

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People you want to do very very unpleasant things to.....

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