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how can u tell....

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notnotnot | 19:31 Mon 28th Feb 2011 | Relationships & Dating
27 Answers
a good guy from a bad guy???????

when bad guys act good to start with and good guys r good can you tell the dfference? whats the signs that a guy you meet could be a bad one? x


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For more on marking an answer as the "Best Answer", please visit our FAQ. seems i cant!! My track record is dire LoL funnily enough a guy friend said the other day the nice ones are the quiet ones who wont approach u....unfortunately attracted to the total arrogant one!! Grr wish i wasnt!!

If you find the secret do let me know!!
China I didnt imply anything at all. I was adding a few comments based on my own experiences and you are making me wish I hadnt bothered. Goodnight.
I went out with a tit head once....learnt by my mistakes.
Easy........bad guys always wear black :0)

All "bad" guys like to take the mickey out of others. That is always one of the first signs. It's their sub concious way of deflecting attention about their own insecurities (and usually bad persona).
my ex followed me home one nightin his car, should have known by that what a pr1ck he was
how long are their friendships... if they have close friends that go back years chances are he is able to maintain personal relationships.... how does he speak about women in general and more specifically women in his close circle... lots of clues.... but also how is he with animals... if all he ever had was pet fish ....thats a degree of coldness for you...

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how can u tell....

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