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well folks, apart from the little on line spats. I trust you have all had a good evening:-)

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Bobbisox | 01:22 Mon 21st Mar 2011 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
We came second in our quiz, not good, we are normally first but we save our winnings and have a weekend away............must do better..LOL


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Had a bit of a giggle in jokes Bobbi, passed the time though.
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good for you moonie
How much did you win bobbi? Was it worth entering the quiz? My mind goes a complete blank when the questions are asked even though I know perfectly well what the answers are.
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we won £20 which goes in the pot Star..
Well done Bobbs!
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I feel pretty damn happy tonight mrs c, £20 better than a poke in the eye eh?

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well folks, apart from the little on line spats. I trust you have all had a good evening:-)

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