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Sleeping in

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karenmac60 | 21:51 Tue 12th Apr 2011 | ChatterBank
33 Answers
If you were meant to start work at 9am but didn't wake up till 9.40, would you...

a) forego a shower, have a quick wash, sling some clothes on and get your arse into work as fast as you could?


b) phone them to say you'd slept in and you were just heading off for a shower, then roll into work an hour later with not a hair out of place and your make up trowelled on?


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depends on your job i think - you absolutely just cannot be late for my job...massive problem if you are, and you would get bollokced for it... an hour late would be chaos and trouble for everyone...
but also depends on how you get to work too...could you do your makeup etc on the train etc?

so id do A
in fact i probably wouldnt have a quick have a BWB...once we got started - a baby wipe bath ...haha
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It's a public library Joko - not the busiest place in the world, but we have to have a certain quota for safety reasons, and there are lots of things we have to get done before opening. She only lives a 5 minute drive away - she could've grabbed her makeup bag and sorted it once she got in. There wasn't even a word of apology. It's the tip of the iceberg with her, which I suppose is why it's bugged me so much.
Not a worry for me, I never over sleep and I'm never late for work. :-) I'm usually in work at least 20 minutes before my shift starts.
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You're my kind of guy Ratter :) I just think if you're paid to do a job then it's your responsibility to be there and do it to the best of your ability. I can't stand skivers.
Did this person's line manager say/do anything about it?
Karen - if I had RATTER'S head of hair <ahem> I would be at work 20 mins early too ☺
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Scotman - no. Due to restructuring, our supervisor has pretty much given up doing anything due to the fact she will be slotted into a new post at a branch of her choice within the next 2 months, and her choice is not our branch. It's a ruddy joke in there!
This happened to me once, - I rang work with a story that my washing machine had flooded the kitchen & I was paddleing around in 2" of water, the plumber had just arrived & I should be there in about an hour after he's fixed it.
Worked well, My boss said don't worry take your time make sure all is well before you leave the house.
When I did get in there was lots of sympathy, a cuppa and they had done a lot of my work between them.

Who said it doesn't pay to lie.

Definitely a)
Bearing in mind I have an alarm clock, a mobile which can be used as an alarm and usually wake at 7a.m. naturally.
All useless asI am retired!
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Daisy - come and work with me :)
A public library! Absolute bliss. But probably not within commuting distance. If the library service did not exist I would be broke from buying books. As it is I have run out of space for book-cases. Especially now Oxfam have a dedicated bookstore in my town.
ah right i didnt see this was a real incident i thought maybe youd done it and wondered whther to risk being cheeky or not lol

yes very cheeky thing to do, number 2...

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