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Image Editing

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shortstuffO3 | 20:35 Mon 17th Jul 2006 | Technology
4 Answers
I have been wondering for the longest time how people get certain effects on images. A lot of my friends have like a brownish filter effect on their pictures and I have no idea how to get it. I know it is probably with some photo editor like photoshop, but if someone could tell me what the filter or whatever is called it would be a great help! If you have no idea or are confused about what I am talking about say so and I will post a link to one of the images. Thanks!


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If you're talking about Sepia tones, use Photoshop
sorry's a simple tutorial .html
Photoshop's great but it's also expensive!

PhotoPlus 6.0 is free and will do the same job for you. From this link, download BOTH the program AND the 'Companion'. (The latter should make it clear what to do but, basically, just create a new layer with, say, 40% opacity. Then use the fill tool to apply an appropriate colour from the palette): oPlus/tutorials/default.asp

Amazifier is a nice and simple photo editor.

It has some nice photo effects, photo frames, stickers, etc..

The best I like is the magic brushes where you can brush nice stuff on to your photo like snow flakes…

You can get it from their website at Media URL:

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