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Do Any Adverts on TV Remind you of Any ABers?

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WELSHYORKIE | 07:18 Thu 12th May 2011 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
I was watching tv last night and saw and advert for Yakult showing a girl jogging along a riverbank and losing her trainer - I immediately thought of JoggerJayne - lol. Anybody else relate any ABers to other TV ads?


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for some reason the John Smiths man reminds me of Docspock possibly the one where he is asked about having anyone he fancies... just the opening mouth without thinking thing Sorry Doc...I am sure you are not like that really
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The other one that makes me laugh is the VW ad with the kid dressed as Darth Vader - my mind automatically thinks of Ankou!!!
Not sure why(!) but the Churchilll adverts (the bulldog) always remind me of Another Old Git.
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The old guy who trims the sheepdog in the Specsavers Ad - daft grandad
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<<daft grandad> should read Old Geezer

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Do Any Adverts on TV Remind you of Any ABers?

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