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This may sound a daft question

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Purple_Popple | 18:51 Sun 29th May 2011 | Body & Soul
36 Answers
But what does it feel like for a man to get hit in the testicles ? Can a guy explain in words as best he can. Bizarre I know...but not being a man (last time I looked!) i cant even comprehend what the level of pain must be....


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Yes Judge, but that might be because blokes don't handle pain very well!!!
Describing a sensation of pain is like describing the colour red to to a blind man.

Suffice to say, that exactly like labour - it is unique to its gender, and a sensation unlike any other.

It is very painful, and can produce incapacity and vomiting as advised, but it's not a pain like any other pain any man experiences.

I've never had a seriously severe impact, just the usual 'knee' you get when you are bullied at an all-boys school.

God I'm glad I'm a grown-up
do rugby players wear 'protection'..? surely they do??
men. your all just big jessies.... :)
right, childbirth is ridiculously painful, as are gallstones I've tried both and wasn't overjoyed with either). the issue is, you don't know how long the pain is going to carry on for, and both can be incessant.

a kick in the nuts may well be a similar pain, but shorter lived.. I assume you can manage to sit down comfortably within the next few days, not having a mass of painful stitches to worry about!
and if any man would like to try to push an almost 10lb baby out of any of their bodily orifices, go ahead.. you're also welcome to try the forceps ;o)

*rolls eyes*
The bloke to be wary of is not the one who kicks you in the nuts, but the one who offers to kiss them better!
It takes a little longer than a few days to recover after getting kicked in the nuts by a horse :(
Chuck.. really? OMG!
do rugby players wear 'protection'..?
I have seen some rugby players who wear a kind of genital protection on their heads. Now there's food for thought!
Funny ... Ive always wondered this.. If i was a man for a day id get kicked there just to feel how sore lol x
I remember years ago I worked on a farm at week-ends while I was still at school. When I was helping milk the cows, one of them kicked her leg back and caught the farmer in the balls, sending him right across the milking shed and against the wall. I can remember him trying to tell me to go and get some help but the poor bloke could barely speak, being only a young girl at the time, I didn't appreciate the situation and trotted off to tell one of the other men that the cow had kicked him on his leg. His face told the true story, poor man.
I was on the back of a HGV many years ago when we carried containers not with twist locks but chains & tighteners, ( Old drivers will know what I mean) I had my right foot on the tighter when my foot slipped off causing the pipe I used to smack me right in the nut's,( Stop laughing you bloody sods) I dropped off the back of the trailer like a brick & could talk because of the pain, it had taken a few days to get back to normal but Jesus it hurt, I still laugh about it now & it must be 40yrs ago.
If the assailant doesn't hit them 'right' then the victim can get away without pain. But under normal circumstances it is excruciating and sickening. If you wish to get an inkling, find a broom handle and see if you can give your ovaries a good old nudge.

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