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theres always music and trouble ahead.

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Connemmara | 15:10 Fri 24th Jun 2011 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
Another friend has asked me to go out tomorrow night - now it did not suit me and when I rang her back to make arrangements for another night - it did not suit her - I know the reason - her husband is working tomorrow night so she is free (shift workers) I feel like everybody sure as he ll suits themselves. I asked even if she wanted to come down tonight to my house (Friday) but of course (without her saying so) he is probably there and grandchildren to whom they lay their lives down for. Now when conversation ended I know she was not a happy bunny. Now bless me soul - is there anybody happy in this world.


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Me too, and it sounds as though your friend is as well. Even the best of friends can't always find mutually agreeable times to meet and I don't blame her for wanting to go out on her free night and stay in with her family when they're home.
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she has a wonderful husband after 42 years of marriage - she is the boss - she can go out any time she wants and for grandchildren - there is a bit of a domestic there with the grandchildren's parents (friend's one son) a bit of a grief there of which I totally understand. This friend is a bit of a control freak - sometimes it is her way all the time and nobodys else. It sure is a very very long story - saga that is - that is how I feel this time. I am quite a bit upset about it all myself.
Don't see what the problem is, she asked to see you and it wasn't convenient for you. You suggested another time and it wasn't convenient for her. Maybe another day it will be convenient for both of you. This happens with me and my friends all the time, it seems perfectly normal to me.
What are friends?
friends are people who phone you and ask you out and you say.."sorry I have a date" and they say.."you lucky sod...enjoy!!..ring me when you are free"

...and it goes without saying..vice versa!! =)
Friends are like what you and I have Boobies.... But with less grumpiness and sarcasm ;0)
friends are people what drop everytihg and run rings around you at the drop of a hat even when you shout at them to hurry up and jump higher.

i don't have any.
A friend in need is a ....nuisance.
Ahhh with you. Mind you, all my friends are grumpy and sarky. Think they started off as pretty nice folk, then they met me and they kinda lost the will to live a bit.
Mine are generally annoyingly upbeat... one is even a morning person <gag>... Not quite sure what they see in me...
working shifts really does make it hard to see other people and you have to make the most of your time together. Doesn't necessarily make you unhappy, but you can look unsociable.
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for attention of JNO - no this friend is one of the worse unsociable persons you could meet - literally cannot speak - one would think she is dumb - it is that bad - cannot relax - her whole family are the same - I am the only person she relates to and can talk for hours and hours and hours. That is why she likes me to be with her so that I can take that dumbness away from her. I do feel sorry for her sometimes cos she has told me she finds it so difficult to talk and envies me but you know I get tired taking her place and talking for her and have told her so but this friendship is really between her and I - she has that many issues God forbid I dont know what she would do without her husband.

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