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bobbie22 | 21:56 Fri 24th Jun 2011 | Film, Media & TV
19 Answers
Tennis been on all afternoon and now all evening. Not everyone is interested. Lat week is was snooker. (Yawn)


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Sorry about spelling mistakes
True, it has been played, and televised all day. For those of us who are not interested, there are lots of other channels and many other things to do.
Why do people expect that everything televised has to appeal to them?
on all channels?? no so just turn it over
Miss Andy Murray's win - no way !
could be worse ...could be pathetic soaps like eastenders or corrie all day ...bad enough what is on most nights
This is my favourite 2 weeks of the year. When I worked I used to take 2 weeks leave to watch it...............
I'm no tennis fan either bobbie, but at least we're nearly half way through now!

To tell you the truth, part of our problem is the fact that there is so little on the TV worth watching at all. There are loads of other channels but still nothing to watch.
Yep, my mum wouldn't even answer the phone after 1pm during Wimbledon fortnight These days there are plenty of other channels to choose if you're not a fan.
The week before it was Royal Ascot.

Diversity of sports is fine, there is always the off button :)

Isn't there F1 racing this weekend too? or is that next weekend?
it was the F1 motor racing that i found irritating, on BBC1 half the damn day, come on, it doesn't have a huge fanbase in UK, i know its popular, but on prime time. I do like tennis, but haven't been watching that much so far
Television is rubbish these days, repeats and rubbish shows. Think I will take up reading as am not going to pay out for sky.
Here's a thought
Why don't the BBC show sport on BBC 3 or 4 and leave the two other channels as they normally are
I agree with bobbie and it's true what maidup says, there is so little on other channels, there is nothing else to watch. I always get my head stuck in a good book (I've read 2 so far this week!).
leave BBC 4 alone, that is one little gem, they often have excellent music on , a very mixed bag.
Problem solved, fire the sport on Beeb 3 :)
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I agree with lots of the comments, and thanks for them. I like the BBC channels because there are no ads. Most of the programmes on Sky are repeats. I too have been reading lots. I think that I have read two Martina Cole in the last week.
'' Last week is was snooker. (Yawn) ''

Dont think so bobbie, that's finished till the season starts again!
I realy wish that the Beeb would have a sports channel & keep all the sport on there.Ron.
Hate tennis - so boring and will NEVER forgive Andy Murray for that comment when he was asked who would he support in the World Cup and he said 'anybody who plays against England!' Stupid man - glad he's out.

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