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no Eurolottery winner again

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Dee Sa | 07:40 Sat 02nd Jul 2011 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
Just suppose you had won yesterday would you get straight on and let your A/B mates know and all the family, the press, the world.
would you be able to keep it to yourself ?
what would be your reaction ? there was an anonymous elderly couple a few years ago who won the lottery and had not told their three grown up children said it would ruin their lves and they would get to know and get the money after the couple were dead, could you do that and do you think it was a wise thing to do ?


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I'd tell my family, give them money and spread lots of goodness around to those in need....I would love to be able to make people happy and give them some joy.
I remember hearing about a woman who had to keep it secret as her Jinnah was a chronic gambler
Imagine that! Luckily I don't have that problem so watch out for my post on Wednesday morning
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Ric.ror where can I send my begging letter to ?
I couldn't keep it a secret, cos I'd want to take all my pals on the best hen holiday EVER !!!
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Obviously I would tell close friends and family but I would stress that in order to get any benefit of the win they refrained from publicising it any further as to do so would be likely to cause serious problems one way or another. One has to bear in mind for a large amount there are people out there who would deprive you of it, or try to, in very unpleasant ways and that would tarnish the win completely. I think for an amount as in the euro right now, I'd probably arrange for a solicitor to dish out gifts ofmoney, and also claim that I was one of those who recieved the gift also.

To be honest, that is such a large amount I would probably give a huge chunk away to various charities, buy properties and set up a management company so I wasn't directly rich, and keep a few million just to live life comfortably till I popped.

Not gonna happen though is it:(
Initially I think I'd keep it quiet and take the best advice that I could as I think the lottery people have special advisors for winners...maybe from somewhere exotic though :) Seriously though, if it was a life changing amount, I'd want to get proper advice on the best way to handle it and I'd hate to have press attention though that's me generally.

I couldn't not tell family and close friends as I'd want them to benefit. I'd want to do it in my own way though and on my own volition rather than being pressured or guilt tripped. I wouldn't want to just throw money away at people, I'd want it to be something special or make a lasting difference.

I know it'd be hard to hide for long (people are used to me being broke haha) but I like the idea of being able to do stuff anonymously initially, something special just turning up out of the blue for people like a proper surprise :)

I guess everyone's circumstances are different.
I would keep it quiet. I wouldn't tell my family how much I'd won, but just say it was a small amount, so that I could help them out a bit. I would then go off on a holiday and think about what I was going to do with the money and I wouldn't touch any of it for at least six months.

Camelot say that if you want to keep it quiet, then you shouldn't tell anyone, not even your family, because it always gets out. My family would know when I die.
I'd tell everyone but I would be doing it from a suite at the Wynn Hotel Las Vegas Dee, waiting for Garth's show,
hi dee would let you know, family and people that have always treated me fairly.
pat xx
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thank you Pat, Dotty you would send me a ticket for Garth and the plane fare I know you would !
just think you could buy the house next door to Garth !

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