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My youngest son (25 in september if he survives)

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dotty. | 10:27 Sat 02nd Jul 2011 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
has a girl in his room, I can hear them laughing, he's left a note on the breakfast bar which says, 'sumone in my room don't come in', should I correct him on his spelling?


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Assuming you have copied note accurately then yes, and his punctuation.
Question Author
I have, he hasn't signed it though, how would that stand up as evidence?
Of course you should! :p
oh be fair, he had other things on his mind.
LOL. That's made me laugh some of my bad mood off Dotty.
Are you sure that's not her name?!
as long as they are only laughing ?
lol, maybe her name is Simone?
of course, but perhaps not at this precise moment.
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shhh I can't hear what they're saying with you lot chattering!
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I know that she isn't very tall, from my bedroom window I watched them come in through the back garden at 2.30am after the taxi dropped them off, no idea who she is though, it was dark and I was keeping my head down. I think she had long hair.
well then stop bashing your ear trumpet against the wall
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lol, bet he sends me a text in a minute that will either say 'shut the lounge door' or 'can you make a fry up mum'
are you sure its a " she " or a short man with long hair :)
please refrain from making helpful suggestions if she doesn't send you a hand written Thank You note or intimates she hasn't had enough to eat.
Just shout up
I hope your using contraceptives we don't want another little accident

That'll get them down
I think you should correct him on his spelling, as there is nothing worse than a spelling mistake.

I think we should come to your house right now, and correct them both.


The Spelling Police
do you mind him bringing strange girls home dotty ? I would agree if it was a relationship but not first timers, would it not have been better for him to use a hotel or am I being old fashioned ? one day you can leave a note saying "Garth in residence do not disturb " ?
LOl just read this thread, bless.... not many would leave a note........... it could have been in wobbly writing.

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My youngest son (25 in september if he survives)

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