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Night night song from Mamya♥

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Mamyalynne | 23:42 Mon 04th Jul 2011 | ChatterBank
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Thank you mamya for the message. Just too tired tonight to sort out music and too many setbacks today. Hope you are ok Sir Alec. Just can't sleep tonight.
She must have amazing genes. She looks so good for her age! And what was it that Prince Charles say about her legs?
Hi Jan, just saw your message. I'm OK, will be going to bed soon as the doctor is calling tomorrow for a check up on Dad. He's had a chest infection which is making him breathless and dizzy. Not good at his age.
So sorry, forgot to ask how G is. Will he soon be out of hospital?
I thought this was brilliant. I wish I had both his guts and his dancing ability!
Gary has got the same now, a chest infection. I was just so shocked when I saw him today because he's now got fluid retention and his legs have blown up to twice their size. Hadn't been able to go at the weekend because my ankle is so painful and got bad news when I saw my consultant today. Things aren't going well with my ankle and he is not very optimistic about it improving so back in plaster for another 6 weeks! Pretty much a crap day. Hope father in law improves lovey. It is so scarey to see them having problems breathing,
I don't know what to say, Jan. Your problems seem to go from bad to worse. I'm quite stunned, really. Is there nothing the doctors can do for your leg, it just seems never-ending. It must be very frustrating being like that. You must feel helpless to do anything for him. My heart goes out to you, it really does. I think I've got problems, then I read your messages. God Bless you!
Awww, thank you Sir Alec, very upset at the moment and don't know what more I can do. Just very tired but still can't sleep! I just feel so crap having had to have plaster put back on my ankle today as well as can't walk without it, which means I can't go and see Gary on my own as I need someone to take me, find a wheelchair an take me to the ward. So frustrating and makes me feel useless!
Do you have lifts to the hospital? If not you should be entitled to free taxis, a service provided by your doctors' surgery. In your circumstances, surely you'd be allowed.
I leave you with this........itchy-coo, itchy-coo!

The doc will be here in a few hours and I must try and get some sleep........
I will have to check with my GP but didn't know I was entitled to anything. It was only today after my appointment with the consultant that I met a friend who is a porter at the hospital who told me that they could call a porter to take me to see Gary on the ward. I am just one of those people who hates asking for help. It just makes it more difficult though for me.
I'm off too. Hope you can have a sleep. xx
Jan, phone your doctors' surgery when it opens and ask about the service. If they get sniffy, explain your circumstances and if they're still not satisfied, surely they can look at your doctors' notes to see the state you're in. I don't like asking for stuff either, but in your case they should be there to help, not hinder!

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Night night song from Mamya♥

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