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Google Home Page..

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janzman | 20:33 Thu 07th Jul 2011 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
..I have Google as my homepage but recently the area just under my toolbar reading web...images...mail..and more is blacked out. The icons work ok..can anyone tell me why this is now blacked out.tia


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Mine is black as well. It must be normal
just had a look same as
It's possible that your monitor settings have changed, so that the thin white letters have been absorbed into the black background. To check, hold your left mouse button down while dragging the cursor across where you think the links should be. Right-click and select 'copy'. Open a blank Word document (or Note, Wordpad, or similar), right-click and select 'paste'. If you see the missing words then they're obviously on your Google page; you simply can't see them.

To check your monitor settings, go here:
You should be able to see all of the numbers, from 0 through to 10, on both of the numbered lines. If you can't, follow the instructions to adjust your display.

Well, I can definitely see all of the words. Either several people have got poorly set-up monitors or Google has produced a page which doesn't display properly in certain browsers. (I'm using Firefox 5).
Yes .. there are buttons .. white on black.
Follow these instructions to remove the Google black bar and return to the old one
-- answer removed --
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Thanks to all..there's no problem with this I just wondered:-)
Trim - check out my ink^^^
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Posted before you Trim we'll wait and see .
oh Chris if only you lived near me and could sort my computer out !

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