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I cannot answer any questions

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Ric.ror | 14:07 Fri 08th Jul 2011 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
there is no submit button when I try to answer only now when I have started a post
I am not on my phone either


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Are you posting a link? If so press the space bar after you pasted it.
You've been sussed!
perhaps you have been suspended
Is there no submit button, or is the submit button greyed out?

Have you pressed "ctrl+F5" to refresh the cache since the update?

Browser? OS?
Actually it's a bit cruel to expect you to provide an answer here isn't it?
^^^ pmsl
-- answer removed --
Drop me an email with the answers to the above questions.

[email protected]
ric.ror - you are a smelly person

I can say this cos you cant answer back, tee hee
mrs o, she on her phone and can answer back now

run, run while you can
Ric.ror, can you hear us? Kick Mrs_Overall twice for yes, thrice for no.
Im sure I had this same problem when I switched to IE9
Ouch! That really hurt my shins!
I'm on problems.
If you are on IE try clicking the compatibility mode button

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I cannot answer any questions

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