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Should benefits be paid to people who come to the UK and who have never worked here.”

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anotheoldgit | 17:08 Thu 14th Jul 2011 | News
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She wasn't applying for a pension, she was <<applying for Britain’s means-tested state pension credit>>

That is part of the social security benefits system not pensions.
an answer to the op question.....

no, no and thrice no.
I think we have got past the first wave of illegal immigrants hoping to improve their lives. Instead we are getting 2nd, 3rd or even 4th waves who arrive here and able to be accommodated by previous immigrants either from family or friends. They are fully briefed on benefits before they even arrive but if ignorant we have many organisations here telling them how to claim.

It was only a few years ago where if you lost your job you could only claim benefits if you had paid your stamps but its all changed. Why they should get housing is beyond most people. They should be housed in barrack type accomodation and given food vouchers
no way
Not a chance!............
Not only are we spending £Billions in keeping forereigners in this country we are sending even more £Billions to keep them in their own countries. A good deal of which gets spent on planes/palaces for the nobs.

As John Laurie said in Dad's Army "We're Doomed".

Whose fault is this? The government gives our money away and who elects the goverment? We Do!! There are parties that oppose the EU and supporting the world financially but they never get a look in.
"Well perhaps someone who implies that residency is dependent on having a job offer should"

I don't agree. Whether Latvia is part of the EU or not is not something that should concern anyone in the UK. What should concern folk in the UK is why it seems to be in a club it's citizen's haven't agreed to, and is being told by it that it has to accept little control over its own borders as part of the agreed conditions.
I always fing it quite amusing that people from say Afghanistan try to get into Britain having travelled through probably a dozen countries on their way here.

I have no problem with anyone working here legally and paying tax an NI but benefits when they are never going to contribute anything.

having said that it's no worse than the jeremy Kyle generation
<<What should concern folk in the UK is why it seems to be in a club it's citizen's haven't agreed to, and is being told by it that it has to accept little control over its own borders as part of the agreed conditions. >>

With respect Old Geezer the flaw in your argument is that we do not <<seem to be in a club>> we ARE signed up members of the EU and as such we can reside in any part of the EU regardless of our employment status. Indeed, many Brits do exactly that across the Union.

Surely the issue here is not residency but rights to benefits.

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Should benefits be paid to people who come to the UK and who have never worked here.”

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