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LET THEM EAT (birthday)CAKE.......

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hollie1586 | 00:28 Fri 15th Jul 2011 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
It's my birthday!!!!


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Happy birthday Hollie - have a great one :)
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Happy birthday...............why did I think it would be in December?
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Happy birthday, Hollie.

I hope that you have a REALLY big cake ;-)
Happy Birthday Hollie hope it's a good one.
Happy Birthday, Hollie - hope you have a great day! :-))
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Happy Birthday. Here's a cake for you ...,r:10,s:0
Happy Birthday Hollie, have a lovely day x
Have a great day :-)
good heavens, do you do this every year ?

hb xx

have a great day x
happy birthday - have a good one.
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Happy birthday, I hope you are having a good day.
very many happy returns of the day hollie - hope it's a brilliant day for you

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LET THEM EAT (birthday)CAKE.......

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