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anyone live in Romford or dagenham area?

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pusskin | 21:12 Tue 09th Aug 2011 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
I heard today that there was big trouble along the heathway in Dagenham?

Also, does anyone have any info on the old lady in a wheelchair that got mugged by 4 Eastern Europeans in debenhams in Romford last week!


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Is this the story pusskin? Horrible story but no arrest yet.

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Many thanks Wrongn3mber. I just googled and found another story, so your one is very welcome. I know this dear sweet old lady, she must have been terrified, her daughter also. Scumbags at it again ay. cheers again x pusskins
I'm glad to have helped and I hope they catch those involved soon.
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I was in romford today, and saw the carnage outside Debenhams --smashed windows etc. Little did I know that a lady known to me had been mugged in the store last week. Unbelievable ! Thanks for your link xx
Lets just hope some good comes from all of this :)
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I hope and pray that they catch them soon. a phone call from my relative to the lady and her daughter told her how very very scared they both were.
I cannot repeat on ab what I'd like to happen to them!!
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Have just found out that the old lady I mentioned previously, was on the front page of yesterdays Daily Mirror. Poor ole soul

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anyone live in Romford or dagenham area?

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