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My beautiful boy

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sherrardk | 21:14 Tue 23rd Aug 2011 | ChatterBank
36 Answers
Youngest son (thing 2) who is almost 3 1/2 years old cannot talk (having speech therapy, etc - they don't know what the problem is). We can communicate using some vague words, noises and sign language. He is trying really hard but the words are just not coming out. Anyway (to get to the point) today he said 'I love you' (well he said 'I ov ooo' but I know what he meant). Nearly made me cry.


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Hi Flip - my husband had to sort it out because it's his Paypal account and they couldn't talk to me about it. Going to send the customer a postal order thing. Thanks for asking though.
Ah brill. Glad you managed to sort it out in the end. They're a bloody nuisance sometimes.
Really nice post though. (this one, not the Paypal one! lol)
It would have made me cry.
Sherrardk my heart is singing with joy at the beautiful thought of your boy saying those magic words to you. ♥
Wonderful. You must be so happy and proud of him. xxxxxxxxxxx
I commented on a thread yesterday about the best things in life are free: there you have it!!!

You cant buy that in the jewellery shop!!

A lovely step for you both :-)
He said the most important words in the world, sherrardk, even if not perfectly! I am so happy for you. This may well be start of wonderful things to come. Years ago I had a friend who's little boy was nearly 5 and wouldn't talk. No idea why. The doctors said he was perfectly normal, just didn't want to talk. By the time he reached 6 she had trouble shutting him up and his school teacher complained because he wouldn't sit quietly without babbling away. He is now in his late 30s and a lecturer at Dublin University.
Sher, My sister never spoke a word until she was over 4. She had loads of tests for deafness etc. She went on to achieve in life. Some people are late starters.
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Hi Ratter - you couldn't be more right. We have had money (well, credit and a huge mortgage, and we have been in the deepest of despair money wise) but this was priceless.

Hi everyone else - just wanted to add that all of my (our) children are gorgeous, lovely little people but this was particularly special for me (his only really clear word is Flower, which he calls his twin sister and that is (obviously) not her name).
In no time at all you will be asking his to be quiet.

;-) I could never be a mother - way too much too worry about.
Aww, sherrard ... (sniff)


What a lovely thread.

How wonderful Sherrardk, almost made me cry. My twin granddaughters went to play school and after a few weeks Mum was aked to send them to separate sessions as 1 spoke for the other, she never spke to anyone there though she spoke at home. So they had separate sessions and she came out of herself and has never looked back since.
how proud you mst have been sherra when he said "I ov ooo" it will come given time.
My youngest did not talk he used to point and we would talk for him and he would say "es"for yes and "o" for no, then one day at almost 4 we were on holiday at out little caravan and this lady brought him back most put out she was -she had stoppeed him climbing and he had said "mind own buddy business" well we were elated that he had spoken and she was affronted because we were praising him.
Wasn't it Winstone Churchill who couldn't speak until he was seven and when asked in later years said he didn't have anything to say?
My nephew did not speak until he was over four. He just made grunting noises and pointed to what he wanted. When someone refused to give him what he wanted until he said the word he gradually learned. He is perfectly normal now he is an adult and cannot remember what happened in his childhood.
Don't worry sherr - he will be fine - I ov ooo has to be the best sounds in the world. Mummy is nice too. I wish I was there to give him lots of cuddles - which I know he is already receiving from you.
How gorgeous, Sher. A massive step in the right direction too :) x
There is obviously a lot of love in your house cos children learn to speak by hearing others! Well done.

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