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Khandro | 09:30 Thu 25th Aug 2011 | Animals & Nature
12 Answers
I'm having a few friends around to have a drink this evening in the garden, but there are a lot of wasps which seem to like the spot too. They are attracted by fallen apples and I have collected, and removed all I can, getting stung on the finger in the process. Anyone know of a deterrent please?


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Leave a pile of the fallen apples elsewhere in your garden to attract the wasps away from where you'll be sitting...
I am awaiting the pest control man tomorrow as I have a nest of little wasps under the roof. I discovered it as I was finishing putting washing out yesterday. I then went to retrieve the washing with hooded jacket and gloves. They are absolutely everywhere at the back of the house. The council couldn't send anyone until a week today so I contacted a private firm.
Place a jam jar with a little jam in the bottom somewhere away from your picnic area, & the wasps will love it & leave you alone.

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@snags, Thanks, I've put the fruit as far away as I can and I have some citronella candles -really for mozzies- but I'll give them a try later. @ Eup. Killing them all seems a pity but sometimes it's you or them I guess; shame we can't all live in harmony!
You could use a brown paper bag stuffed to make it look like a wasp nest. They in theory should avoid it so you need to put it close to where you are sitting.
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Is that a fact ? Amazing! Have you tried it, or is it theory? - I shall try it anyway.
Does anyone know of a insect deterrent skin cream that will keep wasps away. We burn Citronella candles during picnics which are not bad but would like something to put on the skin when walking about (like Autan keeps the mozzies away)
Incidentally we have bought a "Waspinator" (mock wasps nest - cheaper on Ebay) that you can hang in a tree near to where you are eating, it supposedly takes 15-20 mins to deter them. Not tried it yet so will keep you posted...........
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Got through the evening without any stings. Tried 'icntoan's' brown paper bag but it had no effect, ditto citronella candles. After suset, around 9pm here, they at least went to bed. Please keep us posted re. Waspinator ann.
A bit drastic I know but.........move to Scotland and drink whisky. You'll rust, but few wasps. :)
Chop down the tree !
Certainly a a lot more of them this year.

We also have loads of wasps in our garden. (I have a phobia aswell!) We tracked down a nest in the next door neighbours garden. Told them and they said they would do something about it. Anyway, would seem that they have done something as the wasps are not coming and going from there anymore.

However, we still have an abundance of the little blighters to the point where my OH was out there Sunday afternoon murdering them. (They seem quite dopey) Yesterday I let out the dogs and one of them snapped at a wasp, with that I witnessed the wasp sting him right on his muzzle. Blighters!

I hate them, nasty things. Never tried a Waspinator as I have read mixed reviews.
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