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marval | 16:47 Thu 29th Sep 2011 | Jokes
3 Answers
A homeless guy is travelling down a country lane, tired and hungry he comes across a Pub called the "George and the Dragon." Although it's late and the Pub is closed he knocks on the door.

The innkeeper's wife sticks her head out of a window.

"Could I have some food?" he asks.

The woman glances at his shabby clothes and obviously poor condition and sternly says, "No!"

"Any chance of a pint of ale then?"

"No!" she says again.

"Could I at least sleep in your barn?"

"No!" By this time, she was fairly shouting.

The down and out says, "OK Then might I please...?"

"What now?" the woman interrupts impatiently.

"Might I please have a word with George?"


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This is as old as the hills!!
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Just like me then.

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