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There's low, and then there's the people who did this...

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sandyRoe | 12:23 Sat 08th Oct 2011 | ChatterBank
28 Answers

If the vandals are caught what would be a fitting punishment?


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boo, i didnt suggest they be sent to a war zone............. i said prison.
Thanks chuck. :)

I agree with B00,ummmm,tigger,china etc.
Maybe a fitting punishment would be a large fine to cover repairs and a meeting with some Holocaust survivors.
oh yes, you did, sorry Anne.

Still, my answer remains largely the same.
Vandalizing a war memorial is similar to vandalizing a grave - it shows a strain of amoral behaviour and lack of understanding of what they're doing. I think a month in Afghanistan (as an observer) would do them good, if only to realise the sacrifices that our armed forces have made - irrelevant of whether you agree with the politics of why we're there.
Agree with Prudie, but I'd let them have a week of mine clearance duties thrown in, just to spice things up a bit and help them realise what selflessness means.

We've had similar discussions on here before. These people (I use the term loosely) are vermin, nothing less.
You are advocating punishments vastly disproportionate to the crime... While I agree with education, I think your methods are a little on the extreme side.
it seems to me that Embarrasement is what is needed her. Not wanting to hark back to medievel times too much, but the willage stocks would be perfect in my mind - rotten tomatos anyone?

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There's low, and then there's the people who did this...

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