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postgold for cash

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slinky.kate | 20:25 Thu 27th Oct 2011 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
i am thinking of sending in my jewelry i never wear and all the broken chains and single earrings,any one else done it and were they happy with it?????


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I wouldn't do it, I have heard so many stories that people have been offered a pittance and had to fight to get their stuff back. I'd go to a high street jewellers - they buy it by weight, I've had some good deals by selling stuff to them.
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right boxtops,i'll do that,thanks for replying.
most jewellers will make you an offe far safer
took mine to high street and got a good amount for broken bits.
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i want to get my son a nice gold chain for his 25th,do you think i could haggle??
Hi Boxtops, I too was tempted but my husband offered to take my gold stuff to our local jewellers and I got £700!! The jeweller admitted the stuff was worth £800 but of course he needed to make a profit and I was very happy with what I got. He wasn't intetrested in my silver however so I did post that off and, after a phone call and a little wrangling, I got a cheque for £48. I would suggest to try a few shops if you can and get the best deal you can. Good luck!
I would take it to a local jeweller first. According to the price quoted in today's Telegraph the price of gold is $1,722 per Troy ounce. Obviously every local purchaser has to make a profit and you will not be offered this sort of price.
I have a gold/sapphire dress ring which is too small now- is it better to sell it as a ring or just as gold?
sell as a ring.... the scrap people only give you the gold weight

If anyone lives near Birmingham Lois in the jewellery quarter seems to give a good price and they take silver too And test in front of you
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space cadet what a great idea,one of the items is a rose gold watch chain for a pocket watch and is quite chunky,jeweller valued it before about £250,wonder how much that would cost as i have sme more bits and pieces.

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