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Ball Scourer required...

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McMouse | 11:24 Thu 03rd Nov 2011 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
...Just bought some paint remover and on the tin it said, "once paint is loose, us a ball scourer to remove". Bloke in the hardware shop gave me a funny look when I asked him if he had one.


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11:41 Thu 03rd Nov 2011
might be better to put this in home and garden diy hunxx
That will go into my cupboard with the Dyson ball that also didnt do what I expected!
firewatch...its just mcmouse taking the opportunity to be a smutbucket..... he wiill get worse
think leeds need one
sorry thought you said ball scorer
A man can always do with spare balls
Serve you right for buying Dyson stuff RATTER. It's one of the names I avoid as being no friend of the British. Cadbury is another, even though I love chocolate. I look for other names, preferably ones that keep their manufacturing processes in England.

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