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Britains best loved department store (not!)

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rosyposy | 00:22 Thu 17th Nov 2011 | ChatterBank
4 Answers
My daughter bought 2pairs of 'Pineapple' joggers a while back, she paid £16.50 each, now one pair has shrunk about 8" in the leg, the other pair have washed fine.I took the faulty pair back today and they changed them no problem, BUT because I didn't have a receipt they said I'd have to pay £4.95 because I couldn't prove she had paid £16.50 and the price which came up on the till was £8.25 and they could only refund the lowest price without proof of purchase, The price today is £16.50 less 20% in today's sale making them £13.20, less the £8.25 credit, hence me having to pay the £4.95 (Sorry if this is a bit hard to understand) My point is if something is faulty surely it should be replaced like for like, and it wasn't as if I was asking for my money back, I just wanted them to exchange them, so it shouldn't have made any difference what the price is today. Any thoughts on this please, it's not the fiver, it is the principle of the matter. rosy
P.S. I have never seen Pineapple joggers for £8.25 anyway so I don't know where that price came from. Please excuse my rant


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I would have thought they should have swapped like for like.
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So did I ummmm but she baffled me with 'science' it wasn't until I got home and thought about it that I got mad, maybe I'll go back. rosy
Yes...go back and kick up a fuss. It's a pee take. They wouldn't give you money back if you paid full price and when you took it back it was in the sale!!

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Britains best loved department store (not!)

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